Nouns (Count and Non-count) and Quantifiers
רמה: כיתות ג' - י"ב.
Count Nouns
Counts nouns are things that we can count.
- They can have a singular and a plural form.
- A singular noun doesn't usually stand alone.
- We can put a/an before singular count nouns.
- We can put the, my, (your, his etc.), one, each, this, that before singular count nouns.
- A plural noun can stand alone.
- We can put "some" before plural count nouns in positive statements.
- We can put the, my, these, those, all before plural count nouns.
Non-count Nouns
Non-count nouns are thins that we can't count.
- They cannot be used after "a" or numbers.
- They have only a singular form.
- They take a singular verb.
- A non-count noun van stand alone.
- You can put "some" before non-count nouns.
- You can also put the, this, my, all before non-count nouns